From Sea to Table

Definition Review of the value proposition and digital strategy of Deutsche See for the target-oriented solution development of the redesign. Research Qualitative and quantitative user analyses in the form of interviews, surveys, metric analyses and customer service experiences to identify the dominant user needs as well as strengths and weaknesses in the current user experience. Analyse Empathize with the user through user flows, customer journey maps and personas for the target group-specific development of a holistic user-centered experience, especially to improve user guidance and user attention. Creation Revision of the navigation architecture, development of new (content) formats and functionalities for better linking of the related content as well as development of the style guide and redesign of the user interface for corporate website and eCommerce. Development Current phase Documentation of the results, transfer to the development department and continuous review of the adjustments. Staged start from October 2021.

250 Mio.
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Definition Review of the value proposition and digital strategy of Deutsche See for the target-oriented solution development of the redesign. Research Qualitative and quantitative user analyses in the form of interviews, surveys, metric analyses and customer service experiences to identify the dominant user needs as well as strengths and weaknesses in the current user experience. Analyse Empathize with the user through user flows, customer journey maps and personas for the target group-specific development of a holistic user-centered experience, especially to improve user guidance and user attention. Creation Revision of the navigation architecture, development of new (content) formats and functionalities for better linking of the related content as well as development of the style guide and redesign of the user interface for corporate website and eCommerce. Development Current phase Documentation of the results, transfer to the development department and continuous review of the adjustments. Staged start from October 2021.

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